actual population

英 [ˈæktʃuəl ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn] 美 [ˈæktʃuəl ˌpɑːpjuˈleɪʃn]




  1. The number of people who can access these materials in English is relatively low given the actual size of the population.
  2. The important thing is not so much the actual population of the world, but its rate of increase.
  3. When the answers do not coincide, the random effects estimate may not reflect the actual effect in any particular population being studied.
  4. The Design and Implement of Actual Population Data Warehouse Based on OLAP
  5. This paper analyzes the actual situation of the population, resources and environment of Liaoning province and offers the corresponding measures for the sustained development.
  6. Finally, the comparison of the statistical population density and the actual population density of the selected sample counties proves the higher precision of the results.
  7. Our country's actual population policy is always disputed, many regions make some rectifies according to their facts.
  8. It cannot show the actual urbanization of population in China until this part of recessive population is included in the urban population in the true sense of the term.
  9. Concrete measures of management are as followed: establishing residence registeration system of actual population;
  10. We must, proceeding from the actual situation in the population area, resort to Civil Law items to bring reproduction under control and solve problems arising from overpopulation.
  11. The residential images are true objective qualitative performance of population distribution, and this qualitative data sources can be reasonably quantified to obtain the actual population distribution data.
  12. Objective: To find out the actual immunization state of children among floating population and the awareness rate of their parents toward planning immunization in Shanghai city.
  13. At last, according to the design method of DW, in actual application of Zhejiang Province floating population information system, we establish DW of the snow flake schema.
  14. The method of modified simplex was applied to optimize the SGM, and the fitting results show that SGM was more suitable than Logistic model to the actual growth trend of C. kawakamii population, and that the highest growth rate of basal area was in 147 years.
  15. According to the computed value, the subjective poverty line is close to the relative poverty line while it is far higher than "Dibaoxian", which is the actual current salvation standard of town poverty population. This result shows the current salvation standard is too low.
  16. The results showed a quite high degree of inbreeding in the sampling population, which was coincident with its breeding system and the actual situation of the investigated population. These results indicate that DNA fingerprinting technique is sensitive in assessment of inbreeding level for mink populations.
  17. Cohort-component method is widely used in actual population forecasts, which is base on population component and demology principle.
  18. Form present to the near future, population management in the police stations will base on the principle of current residence and involve all actual population living in community.
  19. The post control measures were put forward from actual condition to control the population number resuming in order to ensure long-time control of harmful rodents in towns.
  20. This article makes a preliminary analysis on the industrial and occupational structure of population employment and occupational structure in the Salar areas through actual investigation and the data of population census in China, and probes into the cause above mentioned.
  21. Adaptive algorithm of crossover and mutation probability is presented. Namely, the probability adjusts according to the actual situation of the population momentarily.
  22. The social workers using the professional western-originated methodology and skills, combined with the actual localization of the elderly poverty population in rural area to carry out social work activities to help others involved in the problems of rural poverty elder persons.
  23. Through comparing the added value of tertiary industry per capita in optimal population size and the actual population scale, calculate the efficiency loss of existing city scale.
  24. China and OECD countries are facing in the old-age security is very similar to the actual situation, population aging and the aging of the peak arrival time pension payments crisis.
  25. The results show that the carrying capacity of Tianjin population and the actual size of the population are still in constant coordination among the development.
  26. Based on the actual situation of large population and little land in China, compact city is suitable for sustainable development in our country on the whole, but differentiates in various regions.
  27. The artificial immune algorithm is improved, entropy of information theory is used in the algorithm. The ratio of actual population entropy and the expected value is used as negative feedback, thus the algorithm is adaptive, the performance of the algorithm is enhanced.